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Culture Is Everything

πŸ‘‰ [CHECK, CHECK] - How to GIVE better feedback πŸ‘ˆ

G'day Reader,

How're things?

It's likely you've had another hectic week leading your business as best you can - is that about right?

If so, I get it. Me too πŸ˜€

Despite your 'hectic-ness' have you taken any action to enhance your leadership potential since last week?

If not, there's still time :)


Here are two quick tips to give better feedback**

If you're a leader or owner of your business, you're also the CNO (Chief Noticing Officer!).
It's your job to notice things AND it's your job to make it obvious that you're noticing.
The way to get better at giving feedback is to first get better at check, check, checking what's happening in your business.
How obviously are you delivering on your leadership responsibility of being the CNO?


A simple tweak of language can completely change a conversation.

When giving feedback, instead of using the word β€˜you’, switch to the word β€˜I’.

Some 'I'-statements that can be used include: I am feeling; I expected; I prefer; I need…

Are you booked to attend the Mastering the Leadership Essentials workshop on September 7th?

**These two quick tips on giving feedback were just a sneaky peek πŸ‘€

❀️ For much more detail, I'd LOVE to see you at the in-person leadership workshop, where you will learn:

  • When and how to use assertive communication;
  • How to lead your team in a highly supported AND highly accountable way;
  • How to build competence, confidence and independence in your team members;
  • How to give better feedback; and
  • The steps to create loyalty AND high performance;

Date: Thursday 7th September​
Location: Central House, South Melbourne.
Cost: $47

Have a great day and week,
πŸ‘ βœ…πŸ˜€

PS - So, are you going to take action, become a better leader, and come to the workshop? BOOK HERE.

PPS - Many of you have asked, so, there's now a Mastering the Leadership Essentials - Live Online Workshop.
BOOK HERE for the live online workshop^​
^Online workshop is a DIFFERENT day and time from the in-person workshop^​

Culture Is Everything

Join 1,108 owners of growing service-based businesses getting simple, practical tips, and experience-backed advice on business culture from Tristan White.

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