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Culture Is Everything

🎯 CULTURE TIP: Are high standards your BIGGEST leadership FLAW? ❌

Brought to you by Tristan's first book:

Culture Is Everything - the story and system of a start-up that became Australia's Best Place to Work.

Hi Reader,

How're things?

Below are this week's learnings, lessons, and tools to help build an even stronger culture in your business - enjoy!

Love your work,

PS - There will be a re-launch of the Think Big Act Small podcast from next week. If you're keen to get a head start on the learning, make time to recap the episodes linked below ⬇️


'Having high standards might be your biggest leadership flaw.'

Perfectionism is a real thing.

I have it.

You likely do too.

Perfectionism gets in my way. It likely gets in your way too.

I know that progress is MORE important than perfection.

But I don't live that approach often enough.

I take too long to start things. I take too long to finish things.

My default is to 'per-fect' everything I do.

High standards have a place, but NOT with EVERYTHING, EVERYONE AND ALL THE TIME.

Ever-present high standards can be stifling for you - and those around you.

Below is the link to a 11-minute podcast episode that explores my perfectionism.

I had long thought of high standards as a good thing, but, they often
get in the way of me doing my best work.

Those high standards can also suck the life out of the happiness I get from enjoying the process of doing the meaningful work that I love.

If you recognise yourself in any part of my story of seeking perfection, there are suggestions in the podcast to help you reframe your perfectionism.

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Listen on Spotify

In short, my leadership culture learning for you this week is:

'Take control of your high standards, instead of letting them control your happiness.'


'Investing in team culture is an investment in your future freedom.'

If you believe that your team culture is important, then one of the most important things I believe you can do is invest the time to discover and use the critical culture foundations:

  • A short and easy-to-understand core purpose;
  • 3-5 core values that everyone can remember; and
  • A documented and often-mentioned vision of the future.

To discover how one of your service-based business owner peers went about discovering these foundations, I recomend you listen to this interview with Kimberlee Hughes of Kool Katts:

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Listen on Spotify

If you're feeling overwhelmed or alone with the demands of leading your business, I can support you to build a stronger culture and a more sustainable future.

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Culture Is Everything

Join 1,108 owners of growing service-based businesses getting simple, practical tips, and experience-backed advice on business culture from Tristan White.

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