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Culture Is Everything

🎯 CULTURE TIP: Do you CONNECT before you CORRECT? 🤔

Brought to you by Tristan's first book Culture Is Everything

Hi Reader,

How're things?

Below are this week's learnings, lessons, and tools to help you build an even stronger culture in your business - enjoy!

Love your work,


'You must CONNECT before you CORRECT'

Plenty of leaders I've met seem to believe their job is to 'manage' their team to achieve results. I disagree.

In my experience, high-achieving teams usually have a leader who has learned to connect personally AND professionally with each of their team members.

The result becomes a group of people who feel seen, understood, and empowered to do their best work.

Monty Moran summarises this better than I can in his book Love is Free. Guac is Extra:

'Management is about getting people to do something for YOU;

Leadership is about getting people to do something for THEMSELVES.'

- Monty Moran

Why this is topical right now is because I'm in the middle of facilitating a leadership development program for a growing team from Auckland, NZ. The four-step content below is from the program and inspired a useful conversation to find solutions to the connection problem posed at the top of this email:

In short, my leadership culture learning for you this week is:

You must CONNECT before you CORRECT' - Tristan White


'The rhythm is more important than the meeting'

If you believe that your team culture is important, then one of the most important things I believe you can do is to commit to an energetic and consistent meeting rhythm.

I am NOT talking about meetings for the sake of meetings.

Based on the learnings of Verne Harnish in his book, Scaling Up, a connected team has a meaningful rhythm of daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual meetings.

Every meeting has a purpose AND everyone knows that purpose.

For more detail on LEADING EFFECTIVE TEAM MEETINGS, this workshop I recorded a few months ago might help ⬇️

If you need advice or guidance on your culture,

please let me know.

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Culture Is Everything

Join 1,108 owners of growing service-based businesses getting simple, practical tips, and experience-backed advice on business culture from Tristan White.

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