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Culture Is Everything

🎯 CULTURE TIP: How FIXED is your GROWTH mindset? 🤔

Brought to you by Tristan's favourite: Full Focus Planner

Hi Reader,

How're things?

Below are this week's learnings, lessons, and tools to help you build an even stronger culture in your business - enjoy!

Love your work,


'Is a person with a growth mindset really that FIXED?'

Carol Dweck is the researcher who introduced the terms 'growth mindset' and 'fixed mindset'.

Some of the basics of the theory are:

  • A person who embraces mistakes to learn is said to have a GROWTH MINDSET;
  • A person who avoids mistakes (and can be devastated by failure) is said to have a FIXED MINDSET.

Now, I know that you're a leader who's a learner and therefore you MUST have a growth mindset. Right?

No. I don't think it's that simple.

In my experience, none of us have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset.

I believe that every moment, we are all oscillating on a scale from an extreme growth mindset to an extremely fixed mindset.

Every day my ego guides me to identify as someone who has a growth mindset.

But, do I ALWAYS act like someone with a growth mindset? ABSOLUTELY NOT.

There are times when I get upset, frustrated with my mistakes and can be more closed to feedback than I'd like to admit.

At those moments, I'm definitely trending towards the fixed mindset end of said scale.

Does make sense to you? And does it sound familiar to how you find yourself behaving from time to time?

If so, I'd say: you're normal!

Now that you've identified those oscillations, you can become more aware of them and gently shift yourself back towards acting with a growth mindset more often.

In short, my leadership culture learning for you this week is:

'Self-awareness is a master skill of leadership.' - Tristan White


'Do NOT forget to capture the memories of your culture!'

If you believe that your team culture is important, then one of the most important things I believe you can do is to capture the memories of your growing culture.

Whether you make a video, put a bunch of photos on the wall, write a poem or create a yearbook, that's up to you.

But, as 2023 comes towards the end, how will you capture the memories you've created this year?

For inspiration, check out this company yearbook created by Karen Joyce, Paul Mead and the team at SheMaps - it's really impressive 🙌

If you need some more ideas or guidance on how to capture the memories

of your culture, please let me know.

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Culture Is Everything

Join 1,108 owners of growing service-based businesses getting simple, practical tips, and experience-backed advice on business culture from Tristan White.

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