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Culture Is Everything

🎯 CULTURE TIP: You CAN'T MANAGE TIME (but you can manage yourself)

Brought to you by Tristan's favourite: Full Focus Planner​

Hi Reader,


How're things?
Below are learnings, lessons, and tools to help you build an even stronger culture in your business - enjoy!


Love your work,



'Claim your calendar before someone else does.' - Michael Hyatt


Some experts will say that we leaders need to become experts at
'managing time'.


I disagree.


No one can manage time.


Whether you are organised or not, time will pass. Managed or unmanaged.


Instead of attempting to control something that is uncontrollable (i.e time), I believe leaders like you need to become experts in self-management.


That is, knowing what's important AND sticking to it!


With self-management in mind, I have two questions for you:

  • Have you planned your 'ideal week'?
  • If yes, are you sticking to your ideal week MOST of the time?


My guess is that your answers to those questions are either:


  • No, No; or
  • Yes, No


You are not alone.


'No, No' or 'Yes, No' are the answers I hear most often from service-based business owners.


Your team and clients are important. But, they are not MORE important than you making it a priority to better manage yourself.


To enhance your leadership potential, and ultimately to build a better business, you need to manage yourself FIRST.


For years, I've been using Michael Hyatt's Full Focus Planner as a guide to manage myself.


The most useful pages inside the Full Focus Planner are the ideal week planners. ⬇️


In short, my leadership culture learning for you this week is:


'To lead others you must learn to lead yourself first.' - Tristan White


To get started, I suggest you draft your ideal week AND track how well you stick to it.


A good goal to start from is to stick to your ideal week at least 50% of the time for the next 3 weeks.






'A strong business culture starts with a compelling core purpose'.

If you believe that your team culture is important, then one of the most important foundations you need is a compelling core purpose (instead of a wishy-washy mission statement).


For inspiration, here are the core purposes of some service-based businesses I've helped guide and discover:


  • Birman & Ride exists to help people simplify and solve legal problems.
  • Coerco exists to provide safe liquid management solutions that you can trust.
  • At Family Law Matters, we believe there is a more positive way to end your relationship.
  • Women’s & Men’s Health Physiotherapy exists to restore pelvic health, empowering every person to live their best life.



If you need feedback on your core purpose, please let me know.

☎️ Book a 1:1 Clarity Call​


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Culture Is Everything

Join 1,108 owners of growing service-based businesses getting simple, practical tips, and experience-backed advice on business culture from Tristan White.

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