
Culture Is Everything

🎯 CULTURE TIP: Your talent stack is your leadership super-power 🧐

Published 3 months ago • 2 min read

Brought to you by the Culture Is Everything private podcast.

Hi Reader,

How're things?

Below are learnings, lessons, and tools to help build an even stronger culture in your business - enjoy!

Love your work,

PS - What's the biggest culture challenge you're facing at the moment?

Please hit reply and fill me in - I might be able to help or point you in the right direction :)


'You have the only TALENT STACK that looks like yours in the world'

How highly do you rate your leadership talent and experience?

My guess is you don't rate your experience highly enough.

Most of the service-based business leaders that I know are very capable leaders - including you.

However, most service-based business owners also lack the confidence to be proud of their leadership experience.

Leaders like us are often missing the opportunity to use our unique life and leadership experience as fuel or leverage to take our businesses to the next level.

Is that you?

This gaping hole in the skill-set of us service-based business owners needs to change and here's a tool that might help: the talent stack.

In episode 112 of the Think Big Act Small podcast, professional sports coach Rhett McLennan explained:

'...the talent stack is like a fingerprint of your experiences. And nobody's better at those experiences than you. No one can do those things better than you can because of all your life experiences and mistakes and successes that you've had.'

Rhett then spoke about the confidence that your ever-deepening talent stack can provide:

' have the reassurance that you have got the only talent stack that looks like yours in the world, and you bring that to your leadership, then I think that is good enough at nearly any level.'

Finally, Rhett challenged all of us to make the most of our talent stack by cultivating confidence:

'It's just how much you can cultivate that confidence and be proud of that. If you're proud of it, then you'll bring the best version of yourself day in, day out.'

So, could you be more confident as a leader?

If yes, I suggest it's time to start rating your leadership talent and experience much higher.

Are you brave enough to try it?

If so, grab a pen (or even hit reply and type on your keyboard) to make the longest list you can of all the leadership roles, responsibilities, learnings, wins, losses and memories you have had in all of your years so far. It's likely a LOT!

My guess is you'll run out of paper, time or enthusiasm for finishing the list before you run out of dot points and examples!

Once you have the list, how do you feel about your talent and experience as a leader now?

More confident is my guess 😀

In short, my leadership culture learning for you this time is:

'Your talent stack is your leadership superpower.'


If you're feeling overwhelmed or alone with the demands of leading your business, I can support you. Feel free to reply with what's on your mind or book a 1:1 clarity call.

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PO Box 108, Foster, Victoria, 3960

(you'll be missed :)

Culture Is Everything

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